Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Game of Life

Life has shown me many ups and downs during its rollercoaster ride.I've been feeling not very happy these days, the problem is I've been bowed down by my own expectations and desires in life.

Once upon a time I was having everything from material to spiritual means I was more or less saitisfied to some extent in life.But from the past two and half years just after leaving the college I'm not at all happy.

There are two paths in a man's life.On one path you will be able to satisfy all your carnal desires which can keep you satisfied and contented and people will argue that this is were all the benefits are,but the second one is more holistic and spiritual in nature,the main reward will be more lasting and soothing happiness which will kick the frustation out of you and help you in making peace with yourself.

But the problem is I'm not able to pursue any of these two paths, I'm just swinging between these two paths and perhaps I want to follow the first one when I know that it is just the temporary and will not help me in the long run.But for making peace with myself I've to walk on first path for a while and then come on the second one.

This is why I've started blogging as this will be the place where I can put my thoughts and will feel little bit relaxed to share my inner feelings with people.

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