Saturday, January 10, 2009


I want to know one thing?Why a person who cares for other people is not able to take care of himself,why is he not able to leave things which do not have much importance and move forward?

There is a price to pay for being good and emotional.It seems that people who don't give a damn to the state of things always enjoy and a person who always tries to plan things and maintain a balance always reamin confused and disturbed.

Is there any end to such problems?I don't understand the game god plays with people.From your childhood you have always thought of something which you have the ability to get it also but due to some unusual circumstances you have to leave it forcibly and do things which you don't want!

It is said that "Whatever happens in this world is God's will" so if person do anything that is considered as a mistake by some people then also it is God's will so let it go what has happened in the past and try to move forward in the direction which you want.

Like it is said that "I was travelling on a path until I get to the point where there were two paths going into the woods,so I took the path less traveled."So God please allow me to pursue path of my own interest and relieve me of any burden which I carry on my shoulders as I want to break free.

People should understand that there is no point in pushing the things in unnecessary way.Life will become a burden if you will try to stretch the things beyond its limit.Follow that path which give you everlasting happiness and peace of mind,don't push the things otherwise life will not follow its own course and will tear you apart in the long run.

So consider every options that is in front of you as still there is much more that life can offer you.

New Resolutions

So wish everybody a very Happy and prosperous New Year.This year everybody will take some resolutions and so am I.

I'll try to work hard this year to complete my dreams of pursuing higher studies.I'm in a very disturbed state these days as I want to move forward but I'm not able to as I'm not able to clear somethings out of my life so that leaves me frustated and irritated.

Well I think this year will be good for me as I'm getting confident day by day that I will be able to fulfill all my dreams slowly and steadily.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Reality Bites in Market

I'm quite proud of my memory power.There is reason also for doing that, I never forget anything in my life neither today nor afterwards.

I'm have a really good habit of knowing everything its sort of gathering information about all the aspects of life whether good or bad.I don't drink or smoke but I try to know about kind of good wines,drinks and really if anybody ask me any question and I can't answer that then the next day I try to make sure that I know everything about that thing then only I'm satisfied.

These days my passion is technology and business news basically what is moving in that market and what are the upcoming hot technologies.Well these days the latest one is touchscreen devices, processors battle between AMD and INTEL and recession skyrocketing to a new height.

There is a saying "Prevention is better than cure" well it is true, but you see there is always cure if you haven't taken the precautions.Sometimes this doesn't apply there is no cure, reality always bites.So that's the case with this market.

Companies which haven't taken the precautions earlier are just sinking, they are simply getting busted.You see financial behemoth like Lehman Brothers which has established Wall Steet has collapsed, banking major CitiBank whose punch line is 'Citi that never sleeps' was on its way to eternal sleep so that coming generation can just hear the stories of World's biggest bank touching ground zero.When small banks as compare to Citibank like SBI(State Bank of India),ICICI,HDFC etc can survive then what was the problem with this goliath.The problem with all these freaky companies was "BAD PLANNING".

See if u r going to board a plane and your friend also wants to come with you then first you will have your tickets reserved then you will care about the friends ticket.But what these companies have done that they started shouting we have a open market and free trade policies so we will spend all our bucks but we will not have anything for us in reserve.As they were working on bank's credit and you can imagine that around 4 trillion$ trade was going on with only 800 to 900 billion$ in market.So at some point of time the bubble has to burst, the bubble become huge enough in the end of 2007and then itt bursted somewhere in end of 2007 but the effect on world market came fully during mid of 2008.

India is still insulated as Indian bank and companies are not that much open to world market and also they follow the policy of keeping the money in reserve for them so that at the time of crisis they can use it to save themselves.But it will not help them for longer duration as companies like Infosys,Wipro,TCS,Satyam,HCL,CTS are service oriented companies so they will always knock on the doors of their foreign masters that please give us some projects so that we can earn some money,feed our employees and save our image also but listen all the Murthis and Premjis that it will not happen as Mr. Terrorist is also knocking our doors so you have to spend more for security otherwise the big Software campuses will be tasting ground.

So be innovative and try to develop your own products like the maverick company Apple whose shares are still as compared to percentage fall in other software companies shares is still trading fine.

That's all for the day.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Game of Life

Life has shown me many ups and downs during its rollercoaster ride.I've been feeling not very happy these days, the problem is I've been bowed down by my own expectations and desires in life.

Once upon a time I was having everything from material to spiritual means I was more or less saitisfied to some extent in life.But from the past two and half years just after leaving the college I'm not at all happy.

There are two paths in a man's life.On one path you will be able to satisfy all your carnal desires which can keep you satisfied and contented and people will argue that this is were all the benefits are,but the second one is more holistic and spiritual in nature,the main reward will be more lasting and soothing happiness which will kick the frustation out of you and help you in making peace with yourself.

But the problem is I'm not able to pursue any of these two paths, I'm just swinging between these two paths and perhaps I want to follow the first one when I know that it is just the temporary and will not help me in the long run.But for making peace with myself I've to walk on first path for a while and then come on the second one.

This is why I've started blogging as this will be the place where I can put my thoughts and will feel little bit relaxed to share my inner feelings with people.